
At checkout you will be given an option to choose your desired delivery date. We will endeavour to fulfil your order on your chosen date. On your delivery day your order will be delivered between 7am and 8pm.

Unfortunately, we cannot provide a time slot for your delivery. We try to optimise our delivery routes to be as efficient and carbon neutral as possible. Please ensure you provide clear instructions for our delivery team on where to leave your tree if you are not in.

There is a minimum spend of £33 on our website. Delivery charges are worked out depending on your postcode and distance from our farm. Below shows the breakdown of our delivery prices and the postcodes we deliver to.

If you fall outside our delivery area but you would like to place an order please contact us on 01920 438526 or email as we might be able to help you or point you in the direction of another friendly British Christmas tree growers association member.

We have listed a limited selection of trees on our website which cover the majority of trees that we sell, however we have stock of trees up to 16ft. Please get in touch via email or phone if you are looking for a tree outside this size range. Alternatively you can visit our retail site in Dane End, Hertfordshire where our trees are on display.


£12 delivery charge postcodes:

SG1,SG2, SG3, SG11, SG12, SG13, SG14, 


£15 delivery charge postcodes:



£17 delivery charge postcodes:

SG4, SG10, EN9, EN10, EN11, AL6, AL7, AL8, AL9, AL10, CM17, CM18, CM19, CM20, CM21, CM22,CM23 


£22 delivery charge postcodes:

SG8, AL1, AL4


If you wish to discuss delivery before ordering then drop us a email or give us a call on 01920 438526.